At the launch of the Redmi Note on Monday, NDTV Gadgets caught up with Hugo Barra, Vice President, Xiaomi, to onceagain talk about how the company has been evolving its business in India, and what lies ahead in terms of both devices and services.
Barra noted that Xiaomi has been pleased with the response to its handsets in India, and revealed that over 5 lakh handsets have been sold so far. "In total, we've sold more than 5 lakh devices, including both the Redmi 1s and the Mi 3, quite a bit more than 5 lakhs," said Barra. "We will announce as we hit milestones but we've done quite well, October in particular was a spectacular month for us, because of Diwali, and because we were able to finally ramp up Redmi 1s."
Each successive launch has also given the team a better picture of what the Indian market is like, he said, which reflects also in the relatively smoother sales for the Xiaomi Redmi 1S, when compared to the very troubled sales of the Mi 3, which caused a lot of backlash on social media and other forums.
With a large number of devices now in the market, and a better understanding of the numbers that Xiaomi needs to bring into the country, the next stage for the team appears to be evolving the services it offers. In its home market of China, Xiaomi offers an app store, the Mi Market(the page is in Chinese) and also sells music and films. This ecosystem has not been replicated in India yet, but Barra talked about building on the growth of the company, and looking for partners to help evolve Xiaomi's offerings - including tackling the problem of requiring credit or debit card payments for all transactions - something not all users have.