Till now, Onda has already launched two mini tablets with Windows8 operation system. They are V819W and V891W, the front one is coming with 8 inch IPS screen, and latter is 8.9 inch. But the performance is not so good. Now, in market, there are a lot of tablets better than V819W. Recently, Onda launched a new 8 inch tablet with better performance, model number is Onda V820W.
This unit owns one 8 inch IPS screen, resolution is 1280*800 pixels. CPU is Intel 64 bit Atom Z3735F quad core processor, RAM is 2GB. There are dual camera built in. It runs legit Windows 8.1 OS.
Its price is unknown for now. But considering other similar tablets with 8 inch screen and Windows 8 OS, its price should be less than 100 US dollars.
Till today, Onda did not tell when this unit will be available for sale.